
Some information about Kri Samadhi, the man behind Sky Mastering


Founder of T.O.U.C.H. Samadhi

Amidst the constantly changing genres, Kri Samadhi has exhibited a continuing passion for the depth and sound that evolved from Goa Trance in the early days of the scene. While playing and composing driving tracks that always demonstrate skilled musicianship, Kri rouses listeners into fluid, euphoric motion and paints the party a vibrant psychedelic shade.

DJing since 1992, playing and producing Psychedelic Goa Trance since 1996, Kri demonstrates immense dedication to the art by his ceaseless attention to every detail of the experience. Be it playing, composing, mastering, or promoting, there is no area in which Kri falters, making sure to work respectfully alongside other gifted artists devoted to the scene.

Kri has earned the respect of promoters and members of the psytrance family around the world, and his professional approach to event production has elevated the TOUCH Samadhi annual fall gathering to one of the premier trance festivals on the East coast of the United States, blending a rich variety of live and electronic musical performance, sublime psychedelic visual art, and a message of universal peace, which together catapult attendees into intergalactic spiritual bliss.

As a performer, Kri weaves a musical spell that indulges listeners into easily merging with and being uplifted by his music. The sound he creates through his live act is being heralded around the planet and is breathing simmering new life into the Trance world as if the music is propelled by a dragon high on Kundalini yoga. Kri’s superb intuition for playing to the human element produces a dance floor experience of complete immersion, of carnal union with the velvety flow of the beat, the body, the bass, the boom. Kri brings us music that forces us to remember why we are alive and to give thanks for every nuance of that sacred gift.

Kri Samadhi / A Pale Void
-Asheville, NC


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